Crocheted Rag Rug

When I was going through my closets I had some clothing that didn’t fit anymore and was too damaged to donate. (Like yoga pants with tears from where my thighs rub together, old camisoles, and thin ankle socks with holes in them.) I decided to turn the old clothing into a rag rug.

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Here are the base instructions I used for making the fabric into strips of “yarn” to crochet with. I used a size M crochet hook for this project.

I cut the strips about an inch wide. Since the author of the instructions was doing just one type of fabric (a bed sheet) the consistent width worked well for them. In the future I will probably cut bulkier fabrics into thinner strips so my gauge while crocheting is more consistent.

Since I had a pile of clothes I cut them all up at once. When joining two pieces of fabric strip together I overlapped the end and used a needle and thread to sew stitch or two to connect them. I would not recommend tying them together because when I did that it leaves a big lump in the rug.

I tried doing it in an oval at first, but the ends started curling and it wouldn’t lay flat. I’m not very good at crocheting so I was confused about whether I had too many or too few stitches. I started over and made a rectangular rug all in single crochet.

The rug’s current size used up my initial batch of clothing scraps. But I think leftover scraps from sewing projects will also work well. In the future as I have more scraps the plan is just to keep crocheting on the end.

I am using it as a boot rug. It’s a bit away from the door because the rug is thick and the door wouldn’t be able to open over it. Having a rug that I can easily wash will be nice. I originally wanted to use it in the kitchen but it doesn’t have a grippy back and I didn’t want anyone to slip.

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